Egypt: national dialogue on political transition

(VOVworld) – Egypt’s interim president Adly Mansour met representatives of political forces on Sunday to discuss a transitional process announced by the army after a political upheaval on July 3rd to overthrow former president Mohammed Morsi.

Egypt: national dialogue on political transition - ảnh 1
A protest in Egypt (Photo: AP)

The attendees of the dialogue were leaders of the Social Democratic Party, New Wafd Party, Al Nour Party, the Egyptian Popular Current, politicians, scholars, journalists, and members of the Constitutional Reform Committee. During the talks, Mansour issued a decree setting up a committee to investigate bloody clashes since a wave of anti-government demonstrations on June 30th, including a campaign to disperse Morsi’s supporters on August 14th which killed at least 850 people. The 5-member committee led by Judge Foad Ryad will issue investigative reports in 6 months.  

