E-Idea competition seeks practical ways to cope with climate change

(VOVworld) - In order to raise public awareness of the importance of environmental protection, the British Council and Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, LRQA launched E-Idea, an innovative competition to seek practical ways to protect the environment and cope with climate change. From May 3 to July 3 last year, the E-Idea competition collected entries and then selected the 6 best initiatives for feasibility and impact on the community.

E-Idea competition seeks practical ways to cope with climate change - ảnh 1
Winners of E-Idea competition 2011 Source: vccinews.vn

The E-Idea competition funds, supports and mentors young eco-entrepreneurs in 7 Asia Pacific countries who have innovative ideas or projects related to the environment. Nguyen Tri Thang, LRQA’s Deputy Operation Manager talks about the original idea to organize the competition: "E-Idea was first organized by the British Council and LRQA some years ago in Japan to support young people with initiatives to help the environment and community. We support them in terms of finance, expertise and equipment. The program proved to be successful, so last year, we decided to expand the program to other Asia-Pacific countries including China, Australia, Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand".

Launched in Vietnam in May last year, the competition received 85 entries from Vietnamese young people. Projects proposed ideas for solving one of the environmental issues threatening urban Vietnam, such as waste management and reduction, eco-friendly transportation, saving energy or using water efficiently. 6 of the submitted projects were chosen as finalists: "The project had to be creative and helps to reduce environmental pollution and  waste, create a greener space, or make people harmonize better with the environment. Applications were assessed based on many criteria: feasibility, ability to expand the project, and positive impact on the community".

The project “Hanging garden” by Nguyen Van Quy was one of those chosen in the short list as it provides a solution to limitation of green space in urban areas. Quy says the development of high-buildings gave his idea to create hanging layers of ornamental plants and vegetables in houses in the big cities: "Agricultural production has become more and more difficult due to environmental changes, so urban citizens tend to produce food especially vegetables for themselves. But because space is limited and city dwellers are busy,  I’ve designed some trees that can be easily planted on a terrace and do not take much time to look after. You only have to water them once a week".

22 – year – old Vu Tu Nam surprised the jury with his business idea for earthworms and cow manure, which helps to reduce environmental pollution in rural areas from cow and buffalo dung: "This  project will provide farmers with techniques and models to treat cow manure. The cow manure is then used to feed earthworms which are then processed to provide nutrients for tortoises, chickens, fish or organic agriculture".

Nam’s Excavatus project produces 10 kilos of earthworms  per week for scientific research. With increasing market demand for its fast growing earthworms, Excavatus has a strong potential to reduce environmental pollution and generate more revenue for farmers.


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The "Green Health" model by Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh Source: e-idea.org

Projects called “ Organic Agriculture Forum”, “Recycling Waste in Schools to Green our Buildings” and “Green Health” were also chosen for their feasibility and potential to reduce pollution. Each contest winner will receive  4,800 USD to develop their projects.

 Kim Chi

