Entrepreneurs urged to adopt new business strategy

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue lauded the solidarity and innovation of the business community in adapting to and surmounting the adversities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic when he attended a forum for Vietnam’s business leaders and strong Vietnamese brands to mark Vietnam Entrepreneurs’ Day (October 13).
Entrepreneurs urged to adopt new business strategy - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue meets leading entrepreneurs. (Photo: VNA)

Mr. Hue praised Vietnam’s successful businesspeople and brands who have integrated into the world market and contributed to Vietnam’s socio-economic development by creating jobs.  He urged them to adapt to the new situation by revising their business strategies, applying cutting-edge technology, and keeping their labor forces engaged. The pandemic has brought opportunities as well as challenges, Chairman Hue said, and entrepreneurs will always have the National Assembly’s support. 

“The National Assembly Standing Committee appeals to all business leaders to enrich your profession and morality, take your social responsibilities and national pride seriously, and build a strategic vision with a breakthrough mindset. I dare you to dream big and do big and nurture your ambitions to rise up, with due attention given to improvement in product quality, competitiveness, and business governance for an economy of steady growth, sustainability, and self-reliance," Mr. Hue said, adding, "Upholding our unyielding spirit and heroism, I believe Vietnamese entrepreneurs will turn difficulties into opportunities to triumph over the coronavirus and grow.” 
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