EU calls for settlement in East Sea dispute

(VOVworld) - EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini called on China and South East Asian nations to resolve their rival claims over the East Sea and respect international law.

EU calls for settlement in East Sea dispute - ảnh 1
U.S. Secretary of Defense Carter speaks with U.S. Navy Cmdr. Francis aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt in East Sea (Photo: Reuters)

Speaking at a news conference following a meeting of the EU and Asian foreign ministers in Luxemburg, Brussels, Mogherini said "We oppose any attempt to assert territorial or maritime claims through the use of intimidation, coercion, force or any unilateral actions which would cause further friction".
Mogherini met with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on November 4 and they agreed on the need to resolve the East Sea issue by international law. She stressed that the EU is closely watching the situation there.
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