Face-off between US vice-presidential candidates

Face-off between US vice-presidential candidates - ảnh 1
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, right, and Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan depart the stage following their debate on Thursday, October 11. (Photo: CNN)

(VOV) – The first and only debate between US vice-presidential candidates Joe Biden and Paul Ryan has ended amid tightening polls ahead of the 6 November election. The CNN and CBS News post-debate polls show that the face-off can’t decide who is the winner yet? Both had made careful preparations for the debate with sufficient data and evidence for each issue. With lessons learnt from last week's debate between President Barack Obama and his rival Mitt Romney, Biden used the tactics to attack right at the beginning and exploit every weakness of the challenger. As a result, Biden was successful in controlling almost all the face-off completely. Despite having less political experiences than Biden, Ryan responded persuasively the incumbent Vice President in foreign affairs which are advantages of one of the most experienced politicians in the US.

