Fine tuning Vietnam’s socialist-oriented market economy

(VOVworld) – The Central Steering Committee and Hau Giang province have reviewed 5 years of implementation of the resolution of the 10th Party Central Committee on fine tuning the mechanism of the socialist-oriented market economy.

Fine tuning Vietnam’s socialist-oriented market economy - ảnh 1
Vuong Dinh Hue, Head of the Central Economic Commission, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee addressed the meeting

At the meeting, Vuong Dinh Hue, Head of the Central Economic Commission, underlined that a socialist-oriented market economy abided by market economy rules, under Party and state management to ensure economic growth, social security, and the reduction of poverty. The mechanism must derive from local conditions and required transparent policies in order for all economic sectors to develop steadily. The mechanism for the Mekong delta must connect regions, attract foreign investment, and improve the infrastructure.
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