Fine-tuning mechanisms for revolutionary contributors

(VOVworld) – The Minister of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs presented a supervisory report on the implementation of law and policies on revolutionary contributors.

Fine-tuning mechanisms for revolutionary contributors - ảnh 1

According to the government report to the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs, incentive policies and legal documents on national contributors have been fine tuned to create favorable conditions for law enforcement, generate high social consensus, and ensure social equality. However, about 4% of the revolutionary contributors and their families have not had access to incentive policies.
Truong Thi Mai, Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee for Social Affairs, said: “We propose the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs continue to simplify procedures to save time for the policy beneficiaries.

Vietnam has acknowledged over 8.8 million revolutionary beneficiaries, accounting for 10% of the population.
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