Forum connects Vietnamese, Australian businesses

(VOVworld) - The Vietnam- Australian Northern Territory Business Forum aims to further enhance economic and trade links between Vietnamese and Australian businesses.

Forum connects Vietnamese, Australian businesses - ảnh 1

The four-day event between November 22 and 25 was hosted by the Vietnamese Consulate General in Perth in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce of Australia’s Northern Territory and the Vietnam-Australia Building Industry Services Ltd (VABIS), attracting Vietnamese officials, entrepreneurs and representatives of major Australian businesses. At the forum, Consul General Le Viet Duyen suggested that Vietnamese and Australian businesses should grasp and take full advantage of trade and investment opportunities by strengthening connectivity, exchanging products and complying with the law in each nation. He urged Vietnamese businesses to seize opportunities for education and training cooperation, particularly in sectors that are labor-intensive. Adam Giles, Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, said the Northern Territory is keen to create closer ties with Vietnam, especially in construction, investment, oil and gas exploitation, education, training, and agriculture.

