French President admits airstrikes on Syria 'solve nothing'

(VOVWORLD) -French President Emmanuel Macron has admitted that the air strikes on Syria "solve nothing" but said France, Britain, and the US were forced to defend the "honour" of the international community. 
French President admits airstrikes on Syria 'solve nothing' - ảnh 1 French President Emmanuel Macron (Source:

Addressing the European Parliament on Tuesday, Mr. Macron said the strikes were conducted within a legitimate, multilateral framework, and in a targeted way without any human victims, not a single human victim, to destroy three sites in Syria where chemical weapons were being produced or processed. He added that these strikes don't necessarily solve anything but they were important. 

On the same day, hundreds of protestors gathered in London’s Parliament Square to protest the UK’s involvement in airstrikes on Syria. The protestors urged “Don’t bomb Syria” as the Prime Minister told the Commons of her decision to join the US and France in launching airstrikes on Syria. The PM came under fire by ministers for taking action without first obtaining parliamentary approval. The protestors said bombing would only prolong the agony of the Syrian people and risk starting a catastrophic war with Russia.

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