G77+China summit in Cuba seeks to tackle global challenges

(VOVWORLD) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres joined more than 100 countries and 30 heads of state at the G77+China Summit, which got underway on Friday in  Havana, Cuba.

G77+China summit in Cuba seeks to tackle global challenges - ảnh 1The G77 + China Summit gets underway from September 15-16 in Havana, Cuba. (Photo: Cubaminrex)

The two-day event will discuss current development challenges and the role of science, technology and innovation in nations of the South.

Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Elio Rodriguez said the meeting is of great importance to Cuba which is holding the rotating Chair of the G77+China. The meeting will conclude Saturday with a statement underscoring the many obstacles and conflicts facing the world. 

The G77 group was established in 1964 by 77 countries of the Global South “to articulate and promote their collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity,” according to the group’s website. Today it has 134 members, representing 80% of the world’s population and 70% of UN members.

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