Gathering martyrs’ remains is a responsibility, urge of the heart, says PM

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has said the search and collection of martyrs' remains is a major policy of the Party and State, the responsibility of the whole political system and the urge of our hearts.

Gathering martyrs’ remains is a responsibility, urge of the heart, says PM - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the get-together. Photo: VNA

The Prime Minister met with search teams on Wednesday, the 75th Invalids and Martyrs' Day, in Ho Chi Minh City, where he said that searching and gathering the remains of martyrs will continue to be a regular, continuous and long-term job, but it will face more difficulties. The Prime Minister has issued a plan to search and identify the missing martyrs' remains to 2030 and beyond.

“Searching and gathering the remains of martyrs is not only a responsibility but also an order from the heart that urges those on duty. As long as their remains have not been found, we are still troubled and tormented. This is a task of profound socio-political and humanistic significance, embodying the moral tradition of "When you drink water, remember the source", "When you eat fruit, remember the person who planted the tree" of the Vietnamese people. We will continue this journey with the most sincere hearts and to forever be grateful to the heroes and martyrs,” he said.

Prime Minister Chinh said he believes that with the experience gained over many years, especially the high sense of responsibility, effort, and initiative to overcome difficulties, the search teams will bring into play the results achieved and accomplish  the tasks assigned by the Party, State, army and People.

