Government videoconference on 2013 socio-economic development missions

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on Tuesday chaired a videoconference with localities to discuss the implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution on socio-economic development targets and budget estimate for next year.

Government videoconference on 2013 socio-economic development missions - ảnh 1
Credit institutions should facilitate for low-income persons, state servants, and armed servicemen to buy or hire social houses. (Photo: Internet)

The draft government resolution on next year’s goals clarifies nine groups of solutions for the national socio-economic development with high priority given to consolidating macro-economic stability, inflation control, and maintaining high growth rate. It will also accelerate the economic restructuring process, ensure social welfare, and improve diplomatic work and international integration. Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai underlined solutions on capital flow to break through the frozen real estate market. Hai said ‘Credit institutions should spend an amount of capital for low-income persons, state servants, and armed servicemen to buy or hire social houses. Construction businesses and projects in construction of social houses should be prioritized to access loans with low interest rate if they outline an appropriate payment term. The State Bank of Vietnam will offer loans worth up to 2.5 billion USD to these customers through low re-financing interest rate and payment term of maximum of 10 years.

