Hanoi, World Bank enhance cooperation towards sustainable growth

(VOVWORLD) - Hanoi appreciates recent support from the World Bank, which has contributed substantially to Hanoi’s development, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung told World Bank Country Director for Vietnam Carolyn Turk on Tuesday.
Hanoi, World Bank enhance cooperation towards sustainable growth - ảnh 1Secretary of Hanoi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung receives World Bank Country Director for Vietnam Carolyn Turk, November 2, 2021. (Photo: VNA)

At a reception for Turk, Secretary Dung briefed her on the city’s vaccination rollout. 92% of the city’s residents over 18 have received one shot and 54% have been fully vaccinated. The city plans to soon inoculate teens 12-17 years of age.

Hanoi is ready to usher in a new stage of breakthrough development so as to become a green, civilized, modern, smart city with rapid, sustainable growth. To that end, Hanoi will need foreign direct investment (FDI), official development assistance (ODA) capital, and preferential loans. The World Bank will be one of its major sponsors, according to Mr. Dung.

Ms. Turk said the World Bank wants to build good relations with Hanoi and supports Hanoi in its future development.

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