HCM City willing to share inspection experience with Laos

(VOVworld) - Ho Chi Minh City is willing to share inspection experience with Laos. Chairman of the HCM City People’s Committee Le Hoang Quan made the statement at a Thursday reception for a delegation from the Lao Government Inspection Authority led by its General Inspector Bunthong Chitmani.

HCM City willing to share inspection experience with Laos - ảnh 1
The Lao Government Inspection Authority work with Vietnamese partners (Photo: Giang Khanh)

Quan said over the years, HCM City has helped Laos’ Champassak, Savannakhet, and Xieng Khouang province build cultural works, schools and health clinics. Quan said the city is ready to share its inspection experiences with Laos.

Applauding HCM City’s recent development achievements, Chitmani said Laos always values the ties between the two Parties, States and peoples and called Laos-Vietnam solidarity a shared asset of the two nations.

