IMF and EU clash over Greek debt

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU) are undecided over the main target of the rescue plan for debt ridden Greece.

IMF and EU clash over Greek debt - ảnh 1
Jean-Claude Juncker and Christine Lagarde in different view of the Greek debt (Photo: AFP)

At a press briefing following the Eurogroup meeting on Sunday, Head of the group’s finance ministers Jean-Claude Juncker said Greece would be given an extra two years to meet its debt reduction target of 120% of GDP by 2022 instead of 2020. The extension was prone to be adopted in line with other adjustments of the bailout as Greece is burdened with reaching its growth target. Meanwhile IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said the fund remains attached to the existing 2020 target which was agreed as the condition for the second Greek bailout adopted early this year. She stressed that it is critical that the Greek debt be sustainable. Amid the public disagreement, finance ministers would have to meet again to agree the final details.

