IMF to lower global growth forecast

IMF to lower global growth forecast - ảnh 1
The IMF is slated to release its latest global growth forecasts on October 9 at an annual meeting with the World Bank in Tokyo, Japan. (AAP)

The International Monetary Fund, IMF, is set to cut its forecast for global growth next month when it updates its projections for the world economy. IMF head Christine Lagarde said that on Monday ahead of the organization’s annual meeting scheduled next month in Tokyo, Japan. Largarde said the public debt crisis in the Eurozone remains the biggest threat to the world economy but the possibility of a so-called "fiscal cliff" of expiring tax cuts and automatic government spending reductions next year in the US was a also a "serious" risk. She said there was now also evidence of a slowdown in emerging economies, and "great concern" in poor countries about rising food prices and volatile commodity prices, as well as growing frustrations with transitions across the Middle East. IMF plans to launch the world economic outlook on October 9th. In July, the IMF cut its global growth forecast to 3.5% in 2012 and to 3.9% in 2013.

