Individual earning 4.300 USD or more per year from YouTube subject to tax
(VOVWORLD) - Google has announced 10 outstanding 2020 YouTube creators in Vietnam, who have the most followers and views. Each video with 1 million views will be paid about 6,000 USD by YouTube.
Ten outstanding YouTube creators of 2020 in Vietnam list |
Estimates from SocialBlade, the world's most prestigious independent social media statistics and analytics, show that individuals who own leading YouTube channels in Vietnam can earn tens of thousands of USD or even hundreds of thousands of USD each year from YouTube.
According to Government Decree 126, which took effect on December 5, 2020, YouTubers, organizations, and individuals doing business on digital platforms and earning tens of thousands of USD must self declare and pay taxes. In addition, individuals providing e-commerce services with revenues of 100 million VND (4.300 USD) or more per year from technology platforms such as YouTube, App Store, Facebook must declare and pay tax.