Indonesia rejects China’s claims in the East Sea

(VOVWORLD) - Indonesia has sent a letter to the UN rejecting China’s claim of historical rights in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Indonesia in the East Sea.

In a diplomatic note dated June 12 sent to the UN, Indonesia reiterated its stance over the East Sea issue as stipulated in the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 2016 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Indonesia stated that no maritime feature in the Spratly islands is entitled to an exclusive economic zone or a continental shelf of its own and that any historic rights that China may have had to any resources were superseded by the limits of the maritime zones provided by UNCLOS 1982.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said: "In fact, based on UNCLOS 1982, Indonesia does not have overlapping claims with China. Therefore, it's not relevant to hold any dialogue on maritime boundary delimitation. In South China Sea, Indonesia has overlapping claim on maritime boundary delimitation only with Malaysia and Vietnam. In fact, through negotiations, Indonesia has successfully concluded its continental shelf boundary with Vietnam and Malaysia. Indonesia is now negotiating the EEZ boundary with both countries."

Earlier Indonesia rejected China’s claims in the East Sea and called on countries to abide by the UNCLOS and the ruling of the PCA in 2016 over the lawsuit between the Philippines and China.

