Intel, Samsung to resume full production in November

(VOVWORLD) - Electronic manufacturing giants Intel and Samsung are set to fully resume operations by the end of November after months of social distancing-triggered production disruption, VnExpress reported.

Intel, Samsung to resume full production in November - ảnh 1Factories seen at Saigon Hi-Tech Park in Ho Chi Minh City. (Photo by VnExpress/Quynh Tran)

Saigon Hi-Tech Park is helping its tenants, many of which are currently running at about 70% capacity, to resume full operations next month, the park’s deputy manager Le Bich Loan told Bloomberg in an interview. The park is home to Samsung, Intel, and Nidec Sankyo Corp, a maker of magnetic card readers and micro motors.

Nidec is also looking to resume full capacity by the end of next month. Many companies operating in Saigon Hi-Tech Park lost about 20% of their export orders in July and August, Loan said.

For the past several months HCMC has been imposing various levels of social distancing, which restricted the operation of factories. The city started resuming activities on October 1.

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