Intellect of the whole Party, population, army mobilized to build the Constitution

(VOVworld) - About 15 million people have participated in an online dialogue to contribute opinions to the draft amendment of the Constitution 1992.

Intellect of the whole Party, population, army mobilized to build the Constitution  - ảnh 1
(Photo: CPV)

Entitled "Mobilizing the intellect of the whole Party, population and army in building the Constitution”, the dialogue was organized by the Communist Party of Vietnam Online Newspaper on Tuesday. Contributions mainly focused on the political regime, human rights, citizens’ basic rights and duties. Readers showed their interest in economic, social, cultural, educational, scientific, technological, and environmental issues and asked that the leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam be clarified. Doctor Le Minh Thong, Deputy Chairman of the Law Committee of the National Assembly, explained ‘The moving of chapter 5 on human rights to chapter 2 proves that Vietnam always respects human rights and citizens’ rights ensuring the development of these rights within the context of the country. The main new points of the revised constitution are that we will arrange articles on human rights and citizens’ rights in a more logistical and proper manner, in line with the International Covenant on civil and political rights. We will make technical adjustments so that these rights will be stipulated practically and be linked to the responsibilities of the state and society.

