Iran begins to decommission uranium enrichment centrifuges

(VOVworld) - Iran has begun to decommission uranium enrichment centrifuges in order to fulfill the nuclear deal struck with six world powers in July, its nuclear chief announced this week during a visit to Japan. Ali Akbar Salehi said initial work to reduce the number of centrifuges had begun, but will take some time.

Iran begins to decommission uranium enrichment centrifuges - ảnh 1
Iran's highest authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, conditionally approved the nuclear deal last month (photo: AP)

The July agreement involves the lifting of sanctions in return for Iran curbing sensitive nuclear activities. Confirmation that the work is underway appears to have come from a related development in Tehran.
About 20 hardline MPs have written to President Hassan Rouhani to complain that the work of dismantling centrifuges at two enrichment facilities in Natanz and Fordow is progressing too quickly.

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