Israel considers applying all laws at West Bank settlements

(VOVworld) – Israel’s Ministerial Committee on Legislation on Sunday approved a bill that would apply all laws to Israeli people living in Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Israel considers applying all laws at West Bank settlements - ảnh 1
The settlement of Ariel in the West Bank (Photo: Tess Scheflan)

The bill was proposed by Yariv Levin, a member of the Likud party and Orit Struk, from the Jewish Home party, to seek for equality in law application to Isreali people in all Jewish settlement areas. At present, only 16 laws are applied in these areas, tax, military and criminal laws. But only 6 Ministers supported the bill, while 4 others abstained.
Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni and Minister of Finance Yair Lapid immediately appealed the result of the vote. According to the government’s regulations, the bill must be voted by the Israeli cabinet before being submitted to the parliament for approval. 

