Israeli PM declares victory in parliament election

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday declared his Right-wing Likud-Beiteinu coalition won in the country’s 120-member parliament election.

Israeli PM declares victory in parliament election - ảnh 1
Netanyahu (L) and Lieberman (Photo: Moti komchi)

In his address at the coalition’s headquarter in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu expressed his pride to become the country’s Premier for the third time and gratitude to the people to vote for him for another 4-year term. He pledged to establish a government involving in a wider participation of political parties in the country to cope with challenges including the global economic crisis, Iran’s nuclear threats, and conflict with the Palestinians. He said the new government will be based on five principles. First is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons; second is to stabilize the economy amidst the ongoing global economic recession; third is to seek true peace with the Palestinians; fourth is to promote fairness, and finally is to reduce the cost of living in Israel.

