Japan, China prepare to organize a summit

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese National Security Advisor Takeo Akiba is expected to meet with high-ranking Chinese officials in Beijing to lay the groundwork for a summit between the Chinese and Japanese leaders next week, Kyodo News Agency reported on Thursday.
Japan, China prepare to organize a summit - ảnh 1The flags of Japan and China at Haneda airport in Tokyo (photo: AFP/VNA)

Akiba visited China in August last year. His next meeting with Chinese officials in Beijing is expected to resume high-level contact, thereby improving bilateral relations while paving the way for a summit between the two countries’ top leaders, Xi Jinping and Fumio Kishida.

Previously Kyodo reported that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Chinese President Xi Jinping would meet on November 16 in San Francisco, on the sidelines of the Asia‑Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders’ meeting.

China has not officially confirmed whether President Xi Jinping will attend the APEC meeting or not.

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