Japan, US, S.Korea united on N.Korea issues

The United States, Japan and South Korea will strengthen cooperation in dealing with North Korea's nuclear program and abductions issues. The trilateral executive session in Tokyo on Wednesday was chaired by Shinsuke Sugiyama, Japanese chief negotiator and Head of Japan's Foreign Ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau with the participation of Glyn Davies, US special representative on North Korea, and Lim Sung-nam, South Korea's chief nuclear negotiator.

Japan, US, S.Korea united on N.Korea issues - ảnh 1
Representatives of the US, Japan, and South Korea at the talk (Photo: Yonhapnews)

Sugiyama reported on the progress made in the Japan-South Korea August negotiation, which was postponed for 4 years. The three representatives underlined the role of Russia and China in resolving the North Korean nuclear issue and agreed to continue their trilateral sessions at a higher level. Six-party talks on N.Korea’s nuclear program stalled in 2008 when Pyongyang walked out.     

