Japan’s new party launched

A new political party called Green Wind has been launched in Japan by four upper house members and a lower house lawmaker, seeking the elimination of nuclear power generation as one of its key policies. The five lawmakers include House of Councillors members Kuniko Tanioka and Kuniko Koda, who left the ruling Democratic Party of Japan in July, and House of Representatives member Makoto Yamazaki, who submitted a letter of resignation to the DPJ on Thursday. Green Wind was originally established as a parliamentary group by the four House of Councillors members in late July.  The new Party also rallies against Japan's participation in Trans Pacific Partnership talks. Speaking to media after signing to form a new party, Senator Tanioka said that the move is aimed at reflecting opinions of Japanese people over political issues. Social Democratic Party (SDP) Policy Chair Tomoko Abe unveils her plan to resign from SDP and join the Green Wind Party.

