Lantern releasing ceremony for world peace held at UN Day of Vesak

(VOVWORLD) - A lantern releasing night to pray for world peace was held on Tuesday evening as part of the UN Day of Vesak being held in Tam Chuc pagoda, Ha Nam province.
Lantern releasing ceremony for world peace held at UN Day of Vesak - ảnh 1 The Lantern Festival for World Peace at Tam Chuc pagoda.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh told the ceremony that many places around the world are facing the risks of war, disputes, instability, and natural disasters.

Millions of people cannot live in peace, prosperity, and happiness. With respect to and trust in Buddha and desire for peace and happiness, we’ll together build a peaceful world, prevent disputes, minimize inequality, and eradicate hunger and poverty.

Mr. Minh said he hopes that Vietnamese Buddhist followers and ordinary people will continue to promote the quintessence of Buddhism to enrich Vietnam’s cultural tradition and contribute to building a more prosperous, peaceful, developed Vietnamese nation.

