Laos prepares for the 2012 Year of Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship

(VOVworld) – Paxaxon Newspaper of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party on Monday published full details of the Party Secretariat’s plans for celebrating Vietnam – Laos Solidarity and Friendship. 2012 marks the 35th anniversary of the Vietnam – Laos friendship and cooperation treaty and the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, so the Politburos of both countries have agreed to commemorate the year with a special celebration. Through celebrations, both countries review the special relations, and to improve the ideology for Party members and people, especially youths about the relations and mutual assistance during the resistance wars for national liberation of each country and the current national development process. Both nations will continue to uphold the tradition of the special relations in the new conditions. The plan calls on Lao ministries, central and provincial agencies for more efforts to ensure social order and security, and to be vigilant against reactionary distortions and plots to destroy Vietnam – Laos solidarity.  

