Laws on Organization of Government, Local Administration debated

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Friday debated the revised law on the Organization of the Government to concretize the 2013 Constitution. Most delegates agreed on further clarification of the Prime Minister and his cabinet members' operational principles.

Laws on Organization of Government, Local Administration debated - ảnh 1
Deputy Bui Thi An in a team-work debate (Photo: Thao Nguyen)

Discussion focused on the function, apparatus, tasks, and rights of the Government, Prime Minister, Ministers, and Heads of ministerial agencies. The draft law defines the government’s position and functions under article 94 of the Constitution as the highest executive agency for implementing laws and the National Assembly’s executive body. The government is responsible to the National Assembly and makes reports to the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee, and the State President, but the National Assembly agrees the bill should clarify new regulations set by the 2013 Constitution concerning the government’s executive rights.

Deputies also discussed the revised law on the Organization of Local Administration. The 2003 law on the Organization of People’s Councils and People’s Committees needs to be amended and supplemented to match recent developments and the 2013 Constitution. They suggested the removal of People’s Council at district level due to opinion overlaps from voters in the same community. They discussed beneficial policies for special administrative areas and criteria in the merge and separation of administrative regions.


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