Leaders of Group Seven industrial nations met in Germany

 (VOVworld) - Leaders from the Group of Seven (G7) industrial nations meet on Sunday in the Bavarian Alps for a summit overshadowed by Greece's debt crisis and ongoing violence in Ukraine.

Leaders of Group Seven industrial nations met in Germany  - ảnh 1
German chancellor Angela Merkel

Host Angela Merkel is hoping to secure commitments from her G7 guests to tackle global warming to build momentum in the run-up to a major United Nations climate summit in Paris in December. The German agenda also foresees discussions on global health issues, from Ebola to antibiotics and tropical diseases.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet with US President Barack Obama. During the two-day meeting, G7 leaders will have expanded meetings with leaders of the United Nations, the World Bank, International Money Fund (IMF), and some leaders from African countries.


