Lighthizer: US-China trade deal 'totally done'

(VOVWORLD) - The “phase one” US-China trade deal will nearly double US exports to China over the next two years and is “totally done” despite the need for translation and revisions to its text, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said on Sunday. 
Lighthizer:  US-China trade deal 'totally done' - ảnh 1 US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. (Photo: AFP/ VNA) 

Lighthizer, speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation” program, said there would be some routine “scrubs” to the text but “this is totally done.” The deal, announced on Friday after more than two and a half years of on-and-off negotiations between Washington and Beijing, will reduce some US tariffs on Chinese goods in exchange for increased Chinese purchases of US agricultural, manufactured and energy products by some 200 billion USD over the next two years.

