Lim festival spotlights love duet singing

(VOVworld)- A large number of local people  and visitors have flocked to Tien Du district in Bac Ninh province to attend the Lim festival, which is dedicated to Quan ho (love duet singing) recognised by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage.
Lim festival spotlights love duet singing - ảnh 1

The annual festival took place on February 8 and 9, which fell on the 12th and 13th days of the Lunar New Year. It is being held on in Lim town, Noi Due and Lien Bao communes. The incense-offering rituals will be organised at local temples and pagodas during the festival. The Lim festival contributes to preserving the locality’s traditional cultural values and promotes images and tourism potential of Bac Ninh.

Besides Quan Ho singing, Lim Festival is also space for various folk games such as traditional wrestling, human chess, cockfighting, earthenware pot breaking, and bamboo swinging. Love duet singing was inscribed in the UNESCO's representative list of intangible cultural heritage in September, 2009.

