Live TV show celebrates Vietnam-China friendship

A live TV program entitled “ Vietnam-China : Close Neighbors” has celebrated the long-lasting friendship between the two countries. The Tele-show was shot on Wednesday at the Hanoi Cultural Friendship Palace and the Guangxi Television Studio. Through moving stories demonstrating the close ties between the two populations, it conveyed the message that Vietnam and China will move towards peace and prosperity together. In 1949, at China ’s request, Vietnam sent an army to participate in the One Hundred Thousand Great Mountains military campaign in Guangxi against Jiang Jieshi’s army. The courage of the Vietnamese soldiers contributed to the victory of the People’s Liberation Army, which led to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China on October 1 of that year. When Vietnam experienced turmoil between 1965-1969 in the American War, many young Chinese came to northern Vietnam to work at construction sites in Thai Nguyen Province and Hai Phong City , braving hardship for the sake of Vietnam’s independence. These memories are still vivid in the minds of some Chinese, now in their 70s. Xie Hong Wei, a Chinese war veteran brought to the program a photo collection of President Ho Chi Minh and Chinese soldiers, which he has kept for the past 40 years: “I am a Chinese war veteran and it was an honor for me to come to Vietnam in 1965 to stand shoulder to shoulder with Vietnamese people. Eventually, the Vietnamese people defeated the American imperialists. Though I’m a Chinese and haven’t been back to Vietnam more than 40 years, I still remember Vietnam . I hope the Sino-Vietnamese friendship will last and I wish Vietnam prosperity”.

