Major draft laws top NA’s discussion

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies have agreed on the need to revise the Law on Statistics to address shortcomings of the current law.

Major draft laws top NA’s discussion - ảnh 1

At their meeting on Monday, the deputies said that the statistics operations of non State-owned organizations will work to create a sound legal framework for the statistics operations outside the State sector. Non State-owned organisations could continue to collect and analyse data and provide forecasts to serve research, production and business activities, along with other legal purposes.

On the same day, they discussed revisions to the Vietnam Maritime Code. They agreed that the revisions would help promote the maritime sector’s role in Vietnam’s socio-economic development and international integration. Hoang Thi Hoa is a deputy in Bac Giang province: “The revision of the Vietnam Maritime Code should be aimed at promoting the application of modern technology to boost the sector’s development. The State needs to take the management roles in major areas that are related to maritime security and safety and market sections that maritime enterprises are not involved in. It’s important to increase connectivity between regions of the country to tap Vietnam’s maritime advantages to serve national economic growth, maintain national sovereignty and expand international cooperation”.

The National Assembly adopted a Resolution on the implementation of the policy on one-time social insurance payment for laborers one year after quitting and the Law on issuing legal documents.

