Massive bomb blasts in Kabul, injuring hundreds

(VOVworld) - Two massive attacks in Kabul on Friday killed at least 35 people and wounded hundreds. This is the biggest attack in Kabul following the death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar.

Massive bomb blasts in Kabul, injuring hundreds  - ảnh 1
An Afghan police officer inspects the site of a car bomb attack in Kabul, Afghanistan,
Friday, August 07, 2015. (Photo: AP/Rahmat Gul)

In the first blast, 15 civilians were dead and 240 people were injured when a truck full of explosives was activated in the residential area of Shah Shaeed, east Kabul. A few hours later, a suicide bomber dressed in a police uniform struck outside the gates of a police academy in Kabul, killing at least 20 recruits and wounding 25.

Taliban militants denied responsibility for the first attack but claimed to conduct the blast at the leading training academy for Afghanistan’s security forces.

The same day, blasts and fire exchanges took place near an airport aimed at bases of allied troops but no casualties have been reported.




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