Meet Europe 2018 creates stronger Vietnam- Europe links

(VOVWORLD) - The Meet Europe 2018 conference opened in Hanoi on Friday to enhance cooperation between Vietnamese localities and European partners.
Meet Europe 2018 creates stronger Vietnam- Europe links - ảnh 1 Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and the delegates attended the event (Source: VOV) 

The event was co- organized by the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Hanoi People’s Committee, and EuroCham Vietnam. 

Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son said the relationship between Vietnam and the European Union is progressing and Vietnam will take more measures to improve its investment environment and continue to create favorable conditions for European enterprises to do stable and effective business in the country.  
Ambassador Bruno Angelet, Head of the Delegation of the EU delegation to Vietnam said the Vietnam –EU Free Trade Agreement is scheduled to be signed at the end of this year. He added that the Meet Europe 2018 conference will help Vietnamese localities attract new investment. 

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