Mid-term review of the 2011 Anti-Corruption Program

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s Governmental Inspectorate, the World Bank in Vietnam and other co-sponsors made a mid-term review of the 2011 Anti-Corruption Initiative Program 2011.

Mid-term review of the 2011 Anti-Corruption Program  - ảnh 1

The delegates examined the performances of individual programs since they first received financial support last year, and proposed measures to increase their capabilities and replicate them across the country. The heads of the Government Inspectorate and the World Bank said that incidents of corruption have been rising in many socio-economic sectors. Experiences across the world and in Vietnam show that it is possible to prevent corruption by ensuring publicity, transparency, and empowering the people to combat corruption. Deputy Inspector General Nguyen Duc Hanh says: “After more than 1 year, the project has linked up ideas from the public with government agencies. The meeting is to draw up plans for programs in 2013 and 2015, to promote their strengths and remove weaknesses.”

Most delegates agreed that the programs should be replicated to ensure sustainable results and administrative agencies at local level should be offered incentives for carrying out the project. Vietnam’s 2011 Anti-Corruption Initiative Program financed 34 community ideas to eradicate corruption, improve transparency and bring about a better living environment.

