Monthly cabinet meeting reviews socio-economic progress

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday acknowledged socio-economic progress but warned of potential risks of the COVID-19 pandemic despite Vietnam’s ability to put it under control. 
Monthly cabinet meeting reviews socio-economic progress - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairs a monthly Cabinet meeting on April 29, 2022. 

As he chaired the monthly Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Chinh lauded economic recovery programs which have gotten industry and agriculture well back on track, defying a worldwide stagnation. He noted  vigorous diplomatic activities which have helped Vietnam to reaffirm its foreign policies at the UN and other global and regional forums.

Living conditions have improved, people’s trust in the Party and State have been solidified, and Vietnam’s prestige and status have been elevated on the international arena, according to Mr. Chinh.

Vietnam has rolled out welfare packages for policy beneficiaries, poor households, and those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Entertainment hubs have reopened and social security order is guaranteed, he added.

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