NA begins Q&A session

(VOVworld) – The on-going National Assembly year-end meeting began a 3-day question and answer session on Monday. The session was broadcast live on radio and television.

NA begins Q&A session - ảnh 1
NA deputies questions cabinet members

Addressing most voters’ concern about measures to solve obstacles for the frozen real estate market, Minister of Construction Trinh Dinh Dung said: “It’s necessary to review and categorize all real estate projects. Infrastructure projects will be restructured to focus on social housing development. Depending on projects and localities, we will re-plan residential projects to suit people’s paying ability, especially to change commercial real estate into social housing projects. Banks are asked to offer loans for first time buyers of houses of social housing projects.”

Dung says his ministry will amend the Construction Law in order to minimize waste and corruption in construction. He affirms that the quality of construction works have been basically ensured, especially national and ODA projects.

Regarding large inventories, Minister of Industry and Trade, Vu Huy Hoang says his ministry will work closely with the Finance Ministry to manage imports, boost domestic consumption, issue construction bonds, and increase disbursements for public invested projects to accelerate the consumption of construction materials. 

Minister Hoang admitted his mistake in dealing with smuggled, fake, and low quality products and promised to resolve the matter by fine tuning policies such as market management regulations to deal with violators and improve the responsibility of market managerment staff. Minister Hoang mentioned measures to build trademarks for Vietnamese agricultural products such as rice.

“We have to re-zone agricultural production areas. The Ministry of Industry and Trade will enhance cooperation with ministries and sectors, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, to get enterprises involved in building trademarks. We’ll push negotiations and contract signings with other countries, sponsor promotional programs to introduce Vietnamese agricultural products abroad, and join global supply chains,” Hoang said.

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, for the very first time, presented a government report on how well cabinet members have kept promises made before the NA and voters nationwide at previous Q&A sessions.

