NA Chairman pays an official visit to Poland

 (VOV)-National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has affirmed that the traditional ties between Vietnam and Poland during the last six decades are the firm foundation for the two sides to boost their cooperation in all fields.

NA Chairman pays an official visit to Poland - ảnh 1

During talks with Speaker of the Polish Lower House Ewa Kopacz on Thursday in Warsaw, Hung said his visit aims to further step up the traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries and legislative bodies to open up new prospects for bilateral cooperation. Hung suggested that the two sides strengthen experience exchange and help each other train experts in all areas, as well as set up a direct link among businesses and localities of both countries.  Regarding the two parliaments’ ties, Hung expressed his hope that the two sides will foster cooperation and delegation exchanges of all levels, as well strengthening connectivity among professional agencies, particularly the two Friendship Parliamentarian Groups. He also recommended that the two sides strengthen coordination in multilateral parliamentary forums including the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

Kopacz said she agrees with Hung’s proposal to accelerate projects between the two government. She suggested that both parliaments strengthen the exchange of visits to boost bilateral ties.  After the talks, Chairman Hung and his entourage laid a wreath in the Polish Lower House headquarters to pay tribute to Polish parliamentarians who died during World War II and the plane accident in Smolensk.

Before heading to Poland, Chairman Hung had a meeting with President of the German Federal Assembly Winfried Kretschman in Berlin. Hung said VN attaches importance to developing ties with Germany and is ready to help link the EU countries with ASEAN. He urged for Germany’s support for the EU’s recognition of Vietnam’s full market economy status. Hung also called on the EU to promply approve the partnership and cooperation agreement and assist Vietnam in negotiating Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement.

