NA Chairman pushes completion of documents, careful preparation for NA sessions

(VOVWORLD) -National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue concluded the 30th session of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Thursday, saying that after one working day, the Standing Committee had completed five contents. 
NA Chairman pushes completion of documents, careful preparation for NA sessions - ảnh 1The 30th session of the National Assembly Standing Committee closes on February 22, 2024. Photo:

Notably, full time deputies gave opinions on the explanation, reception, and revision of the draft Law on Archives with high consensus of Committee members. This will be the basis for the Standing Committee to submit the draft law to the National Assembly’s 7th session for approval.

The Standing Committee also commented on the draft law amending and supplementing the Guard Law. Chairman Hue requested, “Shortly after today's meeting, the Secretary General and Head of the National Assembly Office should promptly release a conclusion notice. For each matter that has had a conclusion notice, it must be released immediately. Actively prepare for regular meetings and thematic sessions on lawmaking in March."  

"There will be up to 10 meeting days to prepare the basis for the 7th session, with many law projects requiring all agencies to further their sense of responsibility.”

NA Chairman pushes completion of documents, careful preparation for NA sessions - ảnh 2Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue delivers the concluding speech. Photo:

On Thursday morning, the National Assembly Standing Committee reviewed the report on the Assembly's people aspiration work in January 2024.

