NA deputies discuss performance of socio-economic development plan

NA deputies discuss performance of socio-economic development plan - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Thursday discussed the performance of the 2013 socioeconomic development plan and the plan for next year.

They also talked about the implementation of the 5-year socioeconomic development plan until 2015 with a focus on the results from 2011 and directions for the remaining time, and solutions to realize social and economic targets by the end of 2015.

The government report on 2013 socio-economic development and next year’s plan defined the overall goal for 2014, which is to continue stabilizing the macro-economy and controlling inflation. Solving hurdles for production and trading, restoring the growth rate in line with the economic restructuring, and growth model reforms are three strategic breakthroughs. Ensuring social security and social welfare and improving people’s living conditions were also on the agenda.

