NA discusses amendments to Anti-Corruption Law

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly deputies on Thursday listened to a report on revisions to the Anti-Corruption Law presented by Inspector General of the Government Inspectorate Le Minh Khai. 
NA discusses amendments to Anti-Corruption Law - ảnh 1

Inspector General of the Government Inspectorate Le Minh Khai (Photo:

Many deputies agreed with a proposal to expand the scope of the law to the non-state sector in which corruption is affecting healthy business competition, and hindering anti- corruption efforts in the state sector. Mr. Khai said: “The draft law defines the responsibility for preventing and fighting corruption of social organizations and non-state enterprises. It also requires credit organizations and social organizations established or approved by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Home Affairs, or the Chairmen of provincial People’s Committees to mobilize funds for charity activities to apply anti-corruption measures”.

Mr. Khai said the revisions aim to institutionalize the Party’s anti-corruption stance in the non-state sector and make it compatible with the 2015 Criminal Code.

But some deputies believe it is essential to mobilize resources to prevent corruption in the state sector first. Any acts of embezzlement, or bribery detected in the non-state sector will be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code.

Draft amendments to the Law on Physical Training and Sports were also discussed Thursday morning.

