NA Standing Committee concludes

(VOV) - The 12th session of the 13th National Assembly’s Standing Committee concluded yesterday/ on Thursday and issued a communiqué.

NA Standing Committee concludes - ảnh 1

At this meeting, NA deputies gave opinions on the Government report on the implementation of this year’s socio-economic development, the state budget estimates, directions, missions and plans for next year as well as budget allocation plan. The committee agreed on the government’s socio-economic development targets for 2013, including strengthening economic stability, keeping inflation lower, and boosting growth. They agreed on the need to boost three strategic breakthroughs in public investment restructuring, SOE restructuring, banking restructuring, and ensuring social welfare and political stability. It approved draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution.The committee gave opinions on three draft laws, including the Capital Law, the amended Cooperatives Law, and the Law on amendments and supplements to the Electricity Law, to be submitted for NA approval, and adopted a resolution on the legislative program for this year. The Committee members also looked into reports of the Chief Judge of the People’s Supreme Court and the Head of the People’s Supreme Procuracy on their work in 2012. In addition, they basically agreed with a draft resolution on the process, procedures and methods of votes of confidence for officials elected or approved by the National Assembly and the People’s Councils. Finally, the Committee scrutinised the Government report on goals, tasks, timelines and resources for projects which are part of the 2011 - 2015 National Target Programs.

