NA Standing Committee opens its 15th session

(VOV) -  The 15th session of the National Assembly Standing Committee opens in Hanoi on Monday.

NA Standing Committee opens its 15th session - ảnh 1
Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung addresses the opening of the NA Standing Committee's 15th session

Speaking at the opening, Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said that during the two-day meeting the Committee will discuss revisions to the Law on Anti-Terrorism, Residency, and Ordinance covering weapons, explosives and auxiliary tools. The deputies will examine the project to reform the NA assistant apparatus including their organization, function, and administrative procedures. He stressed the need to reform the organization of full-time deputy delegations, aiming to improve the quality of the NA performance.  The Committee will solicit opinions on Vietnam’s hosting the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Assembly in 2015.

