NA Vice Chairman calls for more support for Agent Orange victims

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man on Monday received 55 delegates to attend the 4th Congress of outstanding role models for the cause of Agent Orange/Dioxin victims from 2021-2026. 
NA Vice Chairman calls for more support for Agent Orange victims - ảnh 1NA Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man presents gifts to delegates at the Congress, December 27, 2021. 

He called on individuals and organizations at home and abroad to uphold the tradition of mutual support and take more practical actions to help Agent Orange victims. Mr. Man stressed that dealing with the consequences of post-war toxic chemicals is both an urgent, long-term and humanitarian task and responsibility of the whole society.

Mr. Man called on organizations and individuals inside and outside Vietnam continue taking practical actions to help Agent Orange victims, implement the Party and State policies for Agent Orange victims, and create all possible conditions for the Association of Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin at all levels to fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party and State in the new situation.

