NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong meets voters in Son La

(VOVWORLD) - Politburo member and Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly, Tong Thi Phong, on Friday held a meeting with the local voters in Hat Lot commune, Son La province, to listen to their opinions ahead of the upcoming  National Assembly session.
NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong meets voters in Son La - ảnh 1 Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Tong Thi Phong talks to voters in Hat Lot commune, Mai Son district, Son La province. (Photo: VNA)

She acknowledged voters’ recommendations and addressed their concerns over social security issues, infrastructure, and poverty reduction. She praised Hat Lot commune’s achievements and urged the local authorities to turn the area into a commodity production centre of Son La province and Vietnam’s northwest region.

On this occasion, Ms. Phong presented 18 gift sets to families of war martyrs in Hat Lot commune and visited some orchard farms in Mai Son district.

