National Assembly debates draft law on marriage and family

National Assembly debates draft law on marriage and family - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - The National Assembly on Tuesday agreed on the need to govern same-sex marriage in the draft law on marriage and family, noting that this is a reality in many countries around the world. However, some deputies said that it is necessary to work out road map to approach this issue. The deputies also stressed the need to include surrogacy in the draft law as well as stipulations that ensure surrogate mothers’ interests, especially health care and risk management for surrogate mothers. They agreed on a marriage age of 18, calling it realistic in terms of Vietnam’s international commitments and the physical and psychological development of young people. Sociological studies show that the average marriage age in Vietnam is 26.2 among men and 22.2 among women.

The same day, the deputies passed the revised Bidding Law with 88% in favor. They also approved the law on practicing thrift and preventing wastefulness. It will apply to a number of areas including the management and use of the state budget and assets, working hours in state agencies, the management, exploitation and use of natural resources, and the production and consumption of organizations, households and individuals. The law clarifies the responsibility of involved individuals and organizations and heads of agencies that allow wastefulness.
Also the same day, deputies discussed disagreements regarding the Law on Medical Insurance. Some deputies suggested that it should include additional regulations to settle pending issues during the implementation process and involve the participation of the political system and everyone involved in this field. 

