National Assembly deputies discuss socio-economic development

(VOVworld) - National Assembly deputies on Thursday acknowledged progress including inflation control and macro economic stabilization.

National Assembly deputies discuss socio-economic development - ảnh 1
Waste in construction projects is a major concern

They held that growth rate this year is lower than the Party’s resolution indication but in line with current situation. Trade deficit has falling and may not exceed 1 billion dollars this year. However, they expressed concern about budget over-expenditure, business bankruptcy and unemployment.
Deputy Do Van Duong from Ho Chi Minh City said more public resources should be mobilized in financial market to fuel economic growth: “National Assembly resolutions must stipulate specific targets, including economic growth rate and reclaim of land plots which are wasted in abandoned investment projects.”
Deputies emphasized the importance of macro economic stabilization without trading off aggregate demand stimulation. Deputy Do Thi Hoang from Quang Ninh province comments on social development issues: “The government has set a target of 50% socialization of healthcare and educational services by 2015 but not much has been done. Clear roadmap on socialization of those services must be initiated to ease budget constraints and ensure social equality.”   

