National Assembly ensures all rights and interests of the people

(VOVworld) – National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung and deputies from Ha Tinh province on Monday met with voters in Thach Bang commune, Loc Ha district, Ha Tinh province to make preparations for the National Assembly’s 7th session in May.

National Assembly ensures all rights and interests of the people  - ảnh 1
National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung talks meet with voters in Loc Ha district, Ha Tinh province.

The voters put forward several recommendations on laws and policies, especially policies regarding agriculture, farmers, and rural areas. They suggested the government, National Assembly, and Ha Tinh authority create more incentives for fishermen. They also mentioned anti-corruption, the retirement age, social insurance, job generation for rural labors, and outlets for farm produce.

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said the revising and issuing of laws and decrees was intended to ensure the people’s rights and interests. The Party and State have always supported coastal people’s fishing rights. He asked Ha Tinh province and Loc Ha district to enhance the new rural development program to improve people’s living conditions. Hung said: "Whenever we see people smiling happily, it’s our success. Our ultimate goal is to improve people’s material and spiritual lives. I reiterate that we will support fishery and off-shore fishing. We should invest more in aquaculture with proper plans. The authority has to ensure an infrastructure of electricity, water, seedlings, food supply, and veterinary support." 

Nguyen Ba Thanh, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Internal Affairs Commission and National Assembly deputies of Da Nang city met with the city’s voters on Monday. Answering questions about the Official Development Assistance (ODA), Thanh said the nation is on development trend which requires internal strength and international incentive loans. "Vietnam remains a poor country which needs foreign loans to develop its infrastructure and reduce poverty. We have received ODA at low interest rates for several years. Our responsibility is to effectively manage and invest the money. The deputies acknowledge your precise ideas and will take them to the National Assembly and relevant central agencies."

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